Last night Darin and I were sitting in bed, it was such a peaceful moment. February 18th is our anniversary. We have been together for three years. Three years ago Darin and I started talking. We met on myspace February 13th 2007. He met me on the 16th at my job so we could hang out. When he left that night I remember thinking how great the night went and how much I liked him. We hung out the next night as well. On February 18th 2007 Darin picked me up at the base visitor center and when we got to the parking lot of the dorms he turned to me and said "I want to ask you something. Will you be my girlfriend?" I of course said yes. I think back on that day now and I think, what if I said no? My life changed forever that day. I would have never thought we would be where we are right now. In April of 2007 Darin and I talked about getting married. I knew I loved him early on in the relationship. I am so grateful to have Darin in my life. We have been through alot together, he has always been there for me. I was so happy when he got down on one knee and asked me to be his wife. I was even happier when we stood in the chapel and said our vows. Before we got married Darin told me it is very hard to be so far apart when he deploys and he asked me if I was sure I wanted to marry him. I loved him and I knew I would love him no matter what. The first deployment came August of 2008, it was very hard but we got through it. We both changed while he was deployed but we still loved each other. He then deployed for the month of May in 2009. The day he left was sad but I knew he would not be gone long. That was the day he told me he volunteered for the Minot orders. I was so upset to move but I will go anywhere with Darin. Now here we are three years after we met. Still madly in love and still together. I really can not imagine my life without Darin. He is my everything, he holds me tight when I am scared, he rubs my back when I cry, he laughs at my jokes, he helps me through the days, he is truly my best friend. To me he is the most amazing husband and the greatest person. Hopefully this year of our lives is wonderful and makes us stronger. Darin is the love of my life, I need to tell him more often how much he means to me.
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