Ok I know the title is a bit much, no one and nothing is really perfect, well maybe Aidan is perfect, at least to me! My husband and I have been through hard times and good times on our way to this very moment. We have lost not one but two children along the way.We feel nothing but joy when we look at Aidan. We are lucky to know how bad things can be so we can enjoy all the great things. On the rare occation that Aidan is fussy I always think of Weylin and Holly. I would not want anything in return for the time I have with Aidan. I would not trade a second of time for anything in the world. I miss Weylin and Holly and I think of what they would be like often. I tell Aidan all the time how special he is to me and his daddy. I tell Aidan all the time how much we love him and how lucky we feel. When Weylin died in June 2010 I was forever changed and never thought I would be "ok" again. We got pregnant again and I was happy then Holly died and again I felt as though I would never be "ok" again. Time passed and we were thinking we would never get pregnant again. On February 15th 2012 I took a pregnancy test and it was positive! Then we pretty much waited for something to go wrong. We hit 12 weeks pregnant and knew we had a good chance to go full term. The weeks kept passing and Aidan was getting bigger and bigger. His birth did not go the way I had planned, breastfeeding did not go the way I planned, but I guess life doesnt always stick to a plan. Aidan is happy, healthy, and perfect! I am glad I had to struggle to have hime because it makes me love him that much more! We are lucky for so many things in our life. We are debt free after an unexpected hospital birth with no insurance! We are holding our almost 4 month old baby in our arms! We are together and in love! We are closer today then ever before! We are happy and only have people in our lives that are happy for us! We are just so lucky I can not help but smile!!!