Yesterday started pretty shitty, I had cramps from hell and woke up way to early. I don't have cable so I watched Brothers and Sisters online yesterday. I really love the show but I have not seen it since we moved and it made me really sad. I realized that I will never be able to make memories living by my family again. Darin told me it was fine because we can make new different memories. I don't think it really hit me till yesterday, I will never live in Vegas again. Darin and I got ready and left to go to the movies and dinner. When we left it was raining and cold. We went to see Sherlock Holmes, it was alot better then I thought it would be. After the movie we were going to go eat at Badlands. We walked outside and of course it was snowing. I was really happy to see the snow when we first moved up here but now I am ready for it to stop lol. The snow on the ground was just starting to melt and now there is another storm coming. I do have to admit that getting snowed in is pretty fun and romantic, but Darin has to work this weekend so if we do get snowed in he will be on base. Ok back to the point of the blog. The movies and dinner were really fun I had a really good time. When we got home we watched King of the Hill and Whale Wars, it was nice and relaxing. We were getting ready for bed and my sister Becky called. She was upset and needed to vent. When i got off the phone with her I could not help but cry. I will always be here for her if she needs to call me but I will never be someone she can call if she needs a ride or someone to hang out with. Becky and I are very close, she just turned 18 and its hard not to be there for her in person. I know I am not really far away but i cant be there in an hour if she needs me. Yesterday was a weird day, it was good, bad, sad, and just down right emotional. I hate the bad days but they make me a stronger person. Today has been better.
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