Wow was yesterday an interesting day. Sometimes when I write a blog it is about someone or a few people or just random thoughts that were brought on by something I saw on Facebook. If the person my blog was about asks if it is about them I am honest and tell them it is. Some people have thought a post was about them but I did not have them in mind while writing it. I do not say anything about a person that I am not willing to say to their face. This is my blog, my words, my feelings, my anger, my everything! If you do not like it then talk to me about it (like an adult) or do not read it.

Covering to feed Aidan is a joke. He hates it and just wants to play with whatever I use. I will feed him uncovered when he wants to eat. Don’t like it? Then don’t look. My baby needs to eat so I will feed him. I have fed him in public many times and no one has ever said anything bad. I am proud to be breastfeeding because that is the best thing for babies!

THIS PART IS ABOUT YOU! I would hate for you to miss the part that is truly about you. You will NEVER be a part of our lives again. I wish your daughter nothing but the best. I have never said anything about that sweet baby. You on the other hand have attacked my 2 babies in heaven and Aidan. You have made it a point to be rude and mean. I do not care that you do not like me but you can leave my children out of it. It is fine with me that you think I am shit but that has nothing to do with my son. THIS PART WAS ABOUT YOU!

Infertility Awareness Week (April 21st to 27th) 1 in 8 couple suffer from infertility and many of them suffer in silence, to afraid to speak up, or ashamed. My hope is that one day infertility will be as talked about as breast cancer. Every disease should be talked about and NO ONE should feel alone!
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