Monday, April 29, 2013


Aidan was a bit fussy yesterday, he felt a bit warm so we did naked time :) I held Aidan up to Darin and said "wouldn't it be funny if he peed on you?" he said "no way!" we both laughed and let Aidan play naked on the bed. He got hungry so I put him on my lap and started feeding him. I felt something warm on my leg and figured he was peeing. I look down and there is poop on my leg! I could not help but laugh. We got everything cleaned up and Darin and I continued to laugh about it off and on the rest of the day. Little things like that make me love our time together so much more. I love when all three of us are able to just hang out and relax even if it means getting pooped on.


  1. lol i find myself wanted to update my blog more so you can see since you dont have facebook anymore and i feel like i bother you when i text you all the time lol
