Tuesday, April 24, 2012

National Infertility Awarness week (April 22 to 28)

National Infertility Awarness week is very important to me. It is a week all infertiles get to talk about their struggle. Often we are silent and judged. I am not bitter about not having kids, I am sad! I am not a bitch when I don’t want to hear you complain about being pregnant, I am sad! Even though I am pregnant now we had a long road to get here. We tried many rounds of Clomid and went through hundreds of test. We have lost two children along the way and had many heart breaks. We have become stronger as a couple because we have been each others support through all this. Infertility is something no one will ever understand unless you have been through it. I have met some amazing ladies through infertility groups online. When I am having a bad day they are there for me no matter what. We are part of a close knit group who all desperatly don’t want to be there. We are all fighting for the chance to be mothers and helping each other the best we can along the way. I honestly cant even imagine where I would be today with out those ladies! They mean the world to me and have helped get me through some really dark times. We have celebrated together, laughed together, cried together, and come up with some crazy plans together. I hope if you are infertile you have found a group of ladies who understand, I also hope you are not afraid to speak up. Talking about infertility is a good thing and don’t let anyone silence you. I hope if you are not infertile you learn more about infertilty and listen to an infertile friend if she has something to say. Try to be her support in any way you can. Infertility is not just something I stuggle with, it is a part of who I am. I would not be the person I am today if I was not infertile. I will not be ashamed! I am proud to be infertile, of course I want a child but infertilty has taught me how important it is to enjoy every moment I can. I have not taken any moment of this pregnany for granted and if I make it full term I will love and enjoy every second I have with my child.

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