I have been on Metformin for a while, it should be helping my PCOS but I have not really seen a change. I also take prenatal vitamins because we are trying to get pregnant. I take Dicyclomine to help my stomach. I have IBS and sometimes my stomach hurts really bad I just can not move. Since December 12th (the second miscarriage) I have felt pretty hopeless about the whole baby thing and I stoped taking my pills. I would still take the stomach pills sometimes but with out taking the Metformin my stomach issues were not to bad. I decided today that I will start taking all my pills again in hopes it will help me get pregnant with out the use of Clomid. Don't get me wrong even with all these pills we still only have a 10% chance but even though the pills make me sick as hell I figure the doctors gave them to me for a reason. I am going to take them and just be sick. I hate the prenatal because it is a reminder of what I lost. The Metformin makes me so sick and the stomach pills hardly help. I could talk to the doctor about changing the pills or going off them but these are the only pills I can take while pregnant. So while we try to get pregnant I don't want to take anything that could hurt our "maybe baby." To make a long story short I took all my pills today and my stomach is now killing me. I always joke with Darin and tell him I would feel better if he would just cut my stomach out.
On another note I got $30 in the mail today! It is to do some TV survey thing and I am excited! We are getting Girl Scout Cookies again today! Four boxes of Girl Scout and that is it! I hate spending so much for cookies but the money goes to such a good cause. Darin had to work Super Bowl Sunday so I taped it for him and we are going to get pizza and wings and watch it on Saturday. I love spending time with my husband!!!
The pictures are us trying to take a family picture with Shadow and Spooky.
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