Today was the day for blood work. The nurse called with great news. I ovulated!!!! I am so happy and excited. After last month I was afraid the Clomid would never work again and we would have to go one to other things. I may not be pregnant but ovulating is a step in the right direction.
I took a pregnancy test today even though it is way to early (it was negative.) I am now going crazy. I want to be pregnant! I am afraid that if I am pregnant I will do something wrong and loose the baby again. Since I found out I ovulated I have hardly moved. I am scared to do to much. I know it sounds crazy, I am afraid of loosing a baby that I may not even have right now but I cant help the way I feel.
I feel like I am crazy half the time. I feel two completely different emotions at the same time! I am so excited I ovulated, I only wish Darin was home so I could share the good news. I should find out if I am pregnant or not on or around November 5th so check back for any news.
My head and back are bothering me so I am going to lay down. Have a great night.
Here is a picture of Darin with his cake on his birthday and a picture of our pumpkin!
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