Friday, October 15, 2010

Wave Of Light 7pm!!!

In the United States one in 8 women are effected by Breast Cancer. One in 3 are effected by Pregnancy and Infant loss. October 15th is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness day. Please light a candle at 7pm in your time zone in memory of all the little lives lost and in support of all the families that have ever suffered a loss such as this. I will be lighting a candle for our angel baby *June 21st 2010* not a day goes by that I don't think of that baby. Right now my belly would be growing and my due date would be growing closer, instead I am extra emotional, laying down after sex, and crying because I am trying all over again. I will now always be a mother but I cant show you a picture of my baby and you cant hold my baby. Pregnancy loss is not talked about often. It is hard to talk about and even frowned upon to talk about. I will talk about it because other ladies who are going through the same thing should not be alone because some people don't want to hear about it. Being infertile then having a miscarriage is different then getting pregnant right away and having a miscarriage. Maybe not worse or maybe not better but different. A person who gets pregnant right away and has a miscarriage can then go on and get pregnant right away again. I am not that lucky, I may never get pregnant again and I will always think "what could I have done differently to hold on to that pregnancy." I went to lunch with Darin yesterday and I cried, I hate that I still cry about the baby and the infertility. I want to be hopeful and I want to be happy but in the back of my head is the fear that I will never be pregnant again. Please light a candle tonight at 7pm not just for my baby but for all the babies that were taken too soon!


  1. I would have to completely agree with you that experiencing pregnancy loss after going through endless months of infertilty would be just as, if not more, devastating. I've never been there and I only know the infertility side, but if you ever need anything please call. You know I'll listen to you cry, yell, etc.

  2. thanks Mary :) im sure there will be plenty of nights in the future when we need to cry and yell to each other lol
