Saturday, January 1, 2011

30 Days of Pictures

Day 1: A photo of you!
Day 2: A photo of you from a year ago.
Day 3: A photo that makes you happy!
Day 4: A place you'd like to visit.
Day 5: A photo that makes you laugh.
Day 6: A photo of someone you love.
Day 7: Someone you miss.
Day 8: Favorite band or musician.
Day 9: Yourself as a baby/child.
Day 10: A random photo of yourself!
Day 11: A night you won't forget!
Day 12: A day you were really happy!
Day 13: A photo of your fav Movie.
Day 14: A photo of your best friend(s)
Day 15: You and a family member.
Day 16: A photo from your childhood.
Day 17: A trip you'll never forget.
Day 18: Your Hometown!
Day 19: Last summer!
Day 20: Something you ate today!
Day 21: Someone you find attractive.
Day 22: A photo of a good memory.
Day 23: Something you want to do someday.
Day 24: What you want to be when you grow up.
Day 25: Photo that inspires you.
Day 26: Favorite subject in school.
Day 27: Something you look forward to.
Day 28: Someone that made your day.
Day 29: Favorite person from history.
Day 30: A photo you find Beautiful.

Im going to try and do this! we will see how it turns out lol

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